Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Why of Life


Why are we here in this world? Why were we created? Who created us and why? There are so many such questions that might arise in a thinking mind. Those ponder on the fact of birth and death tend to think this way. Surely, when we ponder on the creation around us and on our own selves we understand that such intricate systems don't just come up by accident. There is some force and power behind all this. When we realize and recognize that there must be a Creator Who is the Master and Planner of all this, we land on the right track. No creation can exist without a Creator. 

Now, having said this, those who recognize the Creator and submit to him are called the submitted slaves or in Arabic, the Muslims. It is the Creator Who shows them the signs day and night, and within their own selves and hence they get the Guidance. They do not just blindly believe things. The criteria to differentiate from right and wrong and to recognize the Truth is in-built in all humans. Those who listen to their inner voice and do not silence it tend to reach the Truth. 

We are not just bodies. We are souls too. The physical body is nourished through the provisions of the earth but the spiritual body or the soul needs heavenly or divine nourishment. It comes from God and it is in its purest form. No one can tamper it or change it. Such is the power of the Divine words. For the submitted slaves, or Muslims it is the Quran; which is also called the Speech of Allah or the Book of Allah. 

Allah sent these divine words through His angel Jibrail or Gabriel to the heart of the Last Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The words of Allah are unchanged since thousands of years. 

This revelation from Allah was sent to guide all Mankind and not just the Muslims. 

Life and death are created by Allah. He has a plan according to which all the creation came into existence. We as human beings are created to worship the one and only God. We will enter the Paradise due to the Mercy of Allah and to seek that Mercy we need to do good deeds in this world. 

At this point we are convinced about the why of life. 

We are here to please the One Who has created us. To worship Him, to serve Him is the sole purpose of our lives. And before anyone thinks that worship is something that involves only some particular rituals, it is important to learn that worship is a very vast topic. Apart from all the rituals like praying, fasting, pilgrimage, charity etc.; a greater part of worship consists of supplicating to Allah alone, being kind with parents, neighbors etc., putting our whole trust one Allah alone, fearing Him alone and having full faith and hope in Him and much more. And the most basic and most important step toward worshiping Allah is to recognize Him as the One and Only God, and this is the core of Islam; Monotheism. No one whomsoever, nothing whatsoever is associated with Allah. 

So who is the most intelligent person? 

The most intelligent is the one who keeps his end in his mind while dealing in this world. He does not forget that he is accountable for his actions. No one just wanders around here and there knowing nothing. We all set out of our houses for work or college and we know where we are heading to. Then why is that considered normal that we do not know the purpose of our existence while being on this journey of life in this world? 

If people just live for food, sleep and other bodily needs then it is the life of animals as well. we have a higher goal, a higher and graceful purpose of life than animals. Usually when we start a journey we know our destination beforehand, only then we set out. But why are we so negligent about this great journey from our births to our deaths? We must know where we are heading to. And when we know the destination we pack the things that we will need when we reach there.  

Whatever we own today is only possessed by us for a limited time, till we are alive. We cannot take even a single coin with us when we leave the world. Why then is there so much furor over small pieces of lands and material things? Whatever we possess today, from our material possessions to our skills and abilities are all given by Allah. We are not the masters. He is the Master and He is the Provider. He is in complete control over everything. We are very weak creatures. We are not even in control of our own birth or death nor do we have any control on what happens in our lives. 

The life that we are living is a great blessing to us because if we please our Creator we will be rewarded with paradise which is the Mercy of our Lord and there we will be given things that we cannot even imagine. 

So, respected readers, life has a why and we must know how to live up to it. Life is given for serving Allah, worshiping Him and doing our best to please Him and how to do all this is clearly given in the Book of Allah and its explanation given to us by our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

So there should be no confusion regarding life. There should be no doubts and hopelessness. Each one of us is blessed in his or her own way. Take a look at yourself. Have positive thoughts about your Lord. He has not created any thing in vain. 

Never give up. Never feel bad over failures. If you fall just get up again and keep going. Keep trying and keep asking for Allah's help. 

He is near. 

He listens. 

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The Why of Life

  Why are we here in this world? Why were we created? Who created us and why? There are so many such questions that might arise in a thinkin...