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Where have I come from?
Who created me?
Why am I here on this earth?
What will happen to me after death?
Any rational person can make out that this whole creation is not without any plan or purpose. But most of the time he is unable to direct his thoughts to the correct source.
Just as we are created beings and we can not control our births or deaths, in the same way we can not select or choose just anything to help us lead our life on this earth.
The Creator has created us and has not left us unguided.
Our souls belong to the Creator so they need guidance divine;
guidance that is pure, unadulterated, unchanged and completely trustworthy,
guidance which is for the whole of mankind from the first to the last person on the face of this earth, guidance that can claim that it is intact from the time it was revealed till date.
There are many books which are claimed to be divine revelations and we believe them to be divine revelations but they have gone through many alterations over time.
The Book which has not gone through any change whatsoever since the time of its revelation is none other than the Noble Quran and many of the people do not know this fact.
It is purely divine knowledge and not the result of human effort. It is sublime because it is a gift of the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe who chose mankind for His special favours.
The incident of birth is not left to man's choice. The Creator has put the love of truth and the inner ability to recognise good from bad inside each one of us.
Those who think that gaining money or power in this world is success have got it all wrong. With death everything of this world comes to an end. The real success is something which is everlasting.
When you don't know exactly where you came from how can you be sure about what happens to you after you die? Those who are heedless of the truth that there is an everlasting life after death, are actually thinking that everything is created in jest...with no purpose and no plan.
How can such a grand universe be created by God without any purpose?
No one builds even a worldly building without any purpose in mind!
Let us see what our Creator says in these two verses of the Noble Quran:
O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous. Surah al Baqarah, 21.
And when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Surah al Baqarah, 38.
We are created by God and He has not left us unguided. The need is just to listen to our inner voice that knows the truth. We just need to follow the voice of our hearts to seek the truth and accept it when we recognize it.
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