Saturday, January 5, 2019

Journeys of Faith Part 2

Fatma Joe, another former Christian from Kanyakumari, India, was the chief guest at this event. She was just 4 years old when she came to Saudi Arabia. She did not have a good experience with her Muslim classmates at school as they had a superiority complex over the non Muslims. She did not have much knowledge about Christianity therefore, around the age of 14 years, she became an atheist.
Whenever there were debates over religion her atheism grew even stronger as she could not get convincing answers.
Some years back she met a Muslim boy whose mother was a teacher at a Madrasa. They showed her a completely different picture of Islam from what she used to see through media. This made her rethink about her opinion of Islam. When she researched about Islam she was amazed by the comprehensive nature of its teachings.

Islam covers all the aspects of life- how you should be behaving as a person, how you should be dealing with others, and how you should be performing as a state or governing body. These aspects are not taught in any other religion. She said that media portrays a very bad image of Islam and the general public believes what the media shows them.

She came to Islam just 2 years back and was still living in the Christian home. She was apprehensive about the reaction of her family to her changed faith. She hid her new faith from them and used to perform wudu and pray secretly.  Once her sister suspected that she was doing wudu but she had to deny what she was doing as she was afraid that her family will stop her from staying upon Islam. During Ramadan she pretended that she was on a diet while she used to fast, but one month of dieting was something that made her family suspicious. When she used to watch TV with her family and there was negative depiction of Muslims in the news etc., she tried to give excuses that it was possible they do not know the whole truth.  But her faith could not remain hidden for long.

She believes that Islam is beautiful and perfect as a religion. She finds herself much happier, satisfied and blessed to have embraced Islam. In Islam, she said, there is a constant struggle to be a better person each day. The real Jihad is jihad of nafs, that is the struggle to become a better self and to strive against the temptations of the desires. One needs to control the desires and work toward the obedience of Allah. She requested the audience to pray for her family so that they are also guided toward the Truth.
She thanked her in-laws, her mother in law and her husband and a few other people in her life who helped her in her journey toward Islam. Her mother in law and her husband have whole heartedly accepted her as a family member and they have been supporting her throughout.

The takeaway point from her life story is that she observed that Islam is a holistic religion that covers all the aspects of Human existence.

The last of the speakers was the president of the new Muslim sisters; Umme Hudhaifah also called Scarlet, who related her amazing story to the audience.
She was of British decent but born and brought up in Belgium. She grew up as an atheist. Her mother, a staunch atheist, believed that religions only divide people and are bad. But Scarlet had her own doubts. She used to wonder why science cannot explain everything.  Why are so many mysteries of the universe unexplainable by the scientists? She did not know any way of praying but she used to say that if there is god then he should answer her.
She was from a well off family and was very fond of travelling and exploring different cultures around the world.
When she observed a variety of cultures and religions she used to like Islam more. She saw Hinduism and Buddhism but found that they do not make sense. Hinduism was very exotic but the concept of its gods was not appealing. In Buddhism she found that everything was based on philosophy. It was only in Islam that she noticed logic and reasoning. She understood that there must be only one Creator who created everything and He alone deserves to be worshipped.

Christians are very vocal about their love of Jesus Christ and Christianity but their love does not show in their way of life. They do not follow what Christianity teaches them.
In the life of a Muslim his 5 daily prayers are ongoing proof of his love and obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Sister Umme Hudhaifah spent most of her life in the West. She lived in Luxembourg which has a very high standard of living. But throughout her travel and explorations she observed that even though people have a life of comfort and have everything they need they are still not happy. They are always complaining, sad and depressed. She told the audience that life in the West is not as it outwardly seems. The more they have the riches the more problems they face and their problems have no solutions therefore they fall into despair. Contrary to the West she found that people in less developed countries like Africa, Syria, Yemen etc., and the people who are predominantly Muslims are very happy, generous, kind and content in their life. She saw poor Muslims in Africa always smiling, very kind and generous. In Europe she found the people are rich but never satisfied with their life. This, she said, is because of the lack of Eman in their hearts. 

Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.

During her visit to Africa she stayed with a Muslim family in Senegal and it is where she became a Muslim. Her boyfriend also accepted Islam. She had studied in a University in England. She had many of her male non Muslim friends from there but once she became a Muslim it was hard to explain to them the changes she made in her lifestyle. Her husband was staying in Belgium. Soon they moved to a Muslim populated town in England but still they wanted to travel to a Muslim country. Scarlet found a job for her husband in Yemen. In 2003 they became Muslims and in the year 2005 they moved to Yemen. They stayed in Yemen for 10 years. It was a very fruitful stay in Yemen as she could benefit from many halaqas (gatherings for learning about Islam, remembering Allah etc) and classes where she learnt Arabic language. She found the Yemenis to be very generous and welcoming. Their neighbours would share food every day during Ramadan.

 The Yemenis, she found to be practising Muslims. They were sincere and made them feel like family. Her stay in Yemen is very memorable to her as she could learn many lessons, she got many books to learn about Islam and she could learn the Quran. She studied the Arabic language and started to teach Islam and Quran to the others. She can fluently speak French language as well. After 10 years in Yemen the situation changed because of the ongoing war and they decided to move to Jeddah. They are staying in Jeddah for the past 2 and half years. Here, she is teaching Arabic Language to the non Arabs.

After she accepted Islam she too had to face unexpected reaction from her family. She thought that they were broadminded but it was not so. They did not like her idea of becoming a Muslim.
In her early days as a Muslim woman she found Hijab difficult to adopt. But according to Scarlet or Umme Hudhaifah, when one takes one step toward Allah, He makes everything easy for His servant.

Just as the Quran was sent upon our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, gradually over the span of 23 years, Islam and Eman too take their time to build their foundation in the lives of the new Muslims. It was her advice that new Muslims should not hurry over learning everything at once. The most important is the meaning of Shahadatain, one should have a clear understanding of one’s pillar of Faith, that is the Kalima. After that come the 5 daily prayers. The new Muslims should first focus on these two aspects. The other features of Islam like the hijab and other rulings will fall into place gradually with time. She suggested that the new Muslims must not be burdened with all the rulings at once rather they should be taught aout Islam gradually with patience and wisdom.

According to her we should do things gradually and try to improve ourselves daily. We should approach people with wisdom to convey the message of Islam. It is important that we learn our deen and the Quran. She shared that learning Surah Al Fatiha seemed very hard to her in her early days as a Muslim. But today by the grace of Allah she is a Hafizah (she has memorised the whole Quran)!
In the beginning she found Arabic to be a strange language but today she is teaching it to others! Nothing is impossible if the servant is sincere in the pursuit and intention, puts some effort, and makes dua to Allah. Allah makes things easy. She is now actively doing Dawah work, teaching Arabic and Islam to the community members.

After listening to the stories from our guided and blessed sisters, sister Sara would give the audience food for thought and takeaway lessons.
Throughout the event all the stories were related to the audience in Urdu by teacher Farzana from Madrasa Hafsa. Very beautifully and emphatically she would put the questions to the audience which were thought provoking.

The takeaway lesson from this amazing story is that we born Muslims must not take Islam as a plaything. We should be constantly striving in pleasing our Rabb, doing whatever we are capable of doing.
As a closing speech, sister Farzana talked about the value of Islam as Faith and how some of the born Muslims take it for granted.
Basically we need to focus on Tawheed, the oneness of Allah and clear our minds of all kinds of big or small Shirk. Our prayers, our sacrifice, our life and our death should all be in the way of Allah, for Allah. Allah subhaanahu wa taáala calls us toward the Truth, His Mercy, His Grace, His Bounties, His Jannah and His Forgiveness. We should be racing toward Him all the time. We should question ourselves what we are striving for in our life?

Look at these sisters from around the globe! Some are highly educated doctors, some are nurses, some are from humble backgrounds, yet their search for Truth led them toward it and finally they could recognize it and embrace it. Their amazing journey toward Islam leaves us spellbound and speechless. The hearts move and the eyes well up with tears. We could clearly see what they went through to reach this status. The hardships were endured and loved ones were left behind. Their hearts weep for their families yet they hold on to the Most Loving, the only Creator, Allah.
It is Allah who opens the heart and we must pray to Him to keep our hearts steadfast on His Deen.

Another lesson that we learn is that we should not be blinded by the glitter and glamour of the West in particular and of the world at large. We must understand that it is just a façade. They are all shallow from within. They have no substance. They have a deep void, a lack of the sweetness of Faith. The source of that sweetness or inner peace is none but the Truth. The peace lies in accepting the Truth.  And the Truth is that there is no god but Allah and He is only worthy of worship. Islam is the only true religion that is based on Truth, logic and Divine evidence in the form of Al Quran.

The event was successfully completed with the help of volunteers like  Lubna Zubair, Rubina and others. 

The event came to an end with distribution of the gifts sent by companies like Darussalam, perfume companies and some individuals namely Mr Zia Abbas Nadvi and Mr Nihal Shazi, who gave an air ticket for one revert sister. The gift items ranged from electronic items like the digital Quran, perfumes, utility items, books etc. 

Doctor Helen Gouse, who is a professor of anatomy at Ibn Sina National College of Medical Sciences in Jeddah, handed over the first gift to the small girl Fatima who recited the Quran in the beginning of the event.

Finally, sister Rabia, made beautiful and heart warming dua with the audience.
The academy had arranged some refreshments for the revert sisters and the attendees of the event. The guests of honour, the new Muslim sisters were served the refreshments on their tables by the organizers.

It was indeed a very thought provoking event for everyone. The life and journey of these sisters is a shining example for those who are seeking the Truth and a lesson for those who take their Faith for granted.
Pray that Allah keep these sisters steadfast in deen and help them always.

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