Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Repentance

All human beings are weak. They make mistakes and fall short in their moral and spiritual strengths. They slip, deviate and sin. This is purely human. All of us have heard the famous quote that says, "to err is human, to forgive divine". 
The only thing that makes any human superior over the other is the realization that he or she has sinned or made a mistake. Accepting one's mistake and taking the responsibility of one's sin is what makes him or her different. This does not mean that he or she needs to broadcast the sin or plunge into the guilt forever. It simply means that once the person realizes his sin he must look to rectify it and make amends. 

God has created the human beings and He is Ever Watchful over them. Whenever we fall into error it is God alone Who can save us from that lingering sense of guilt and shame and hold us and give us comfort through our repentance by pouring on us His Mercy and forgiveness

God loves those who repent. 

Many people sin and they sin in different ways. Usually we regard others' sin as grievous and punishable and forget our own follies and blunders. Instead of eyeing the sins and wrongdoings of others we must take a look inside our own selves. 

It is a highly courageous act to be truthful to one's own self. Truth is the only tool that can give us spiritual and moral comfort. Admitting our mistakes first in front of our own self and then turning sincerly toward God and asking Him to forgive the mistake, does wonders to the health of the soul.

Just like our bodies our souls are also in need of healthy food and detoxification. Removing the poison of sin and guilt from our soul can only be possible by adopting Truth and repenting in front of God.

The Quran has one whole chapter with this subject and it is named "The Repentance." Although this chapter has a complete historical background attached to its revelation but it has a general implication for everyone who accept the fact that they are erring and weak and need to turn to God time and again for regular wash-ups and showers to rid themselves of their mistakes and sins.

The very important highlight of this chapter of the Noble Quran is that it emphasises on speaking the Truth. Truthfulness was the virtue that led to the acceptance of repentance of some people at the time of the Prophet peace be upon him. Allah revealed the signs on him to give them the glad tidings that their Tawba or repentance had been accepted because they spoke the Truth. 

To read through the whole chapter kindly visit the link below:

O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true. 

Surah Tawba 119

The commentary on this surah or Chapter reads:

The good pleasure of Allah is with those who are sincere and make sacrifices in His cause: He will forgive those who do wrong and repent, but not those who intend mischief and foment unbelief and disunion among believers. The believers by their self surrender obtain eternal felicity. Allah will turn in mercy even to those who, though they waver or fail in duty, turn at last to HIm. 
Those who believe should associate with the righteous and the truthful, actively doing their duty. But if the Community marches out, a part of them should remain behind for the purpose of diligently studying religion and teaching their brethren when they return. Every Surah increases the faith of those who believe, though those diseased in heart may add doubt to doubt. Trust in Allah, Lord of the Throne of Glory.        
Ref., The Noble Quran 

One important fact that directs a person to admitting the mistake and asking for forgiveness is the ability to differentiate between good and evil. Once the person has a clear idea of what is right and what is wrong he is in the position to analyse his own self in that light. The knowledge of right and wrong also comes from God. Every person is born with the innate sense of morality and conscience about good and evil. No person is born misguided or a sinner. A healthy heart and soul are enough signalling sources to let that person know that he has done something wrong. 

Goodness brings happiness and tranquility to the heart and a sin or evil done makes the heart heavy. It wavers in the heart and never lets the person sit in peace. 

The Prophet ﷺ said, "Piety is good manner, and sin is that which creates doubt and you do not like people to know of it." 
A hadeeth by Muslim. 

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