Monday, April 6, 2020

Balance Your Life

It is indeed very important to establish a balance in one’s daily life regarding one’s faith and world.
Get involved in both but in moderation. Not to neglect the faith for one’s worldly affairs and vice-versa.
It was narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS)  said, “Be moderate and adhere to moderation, for there is no one among you who will be saved by his deeds.” They said. “Not even you O’ Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Not even me, unless Allah encompasses me with Mercy and Grace from Him.”
Most of us start too many projects at a time and then end up completing none. Some of us have high spirits at the beginning and then the spirit dies out or fades away with the passage of time. In the end we are unable to achieve anything. Many of us plan things, think of doing many good deeds and set up many great targets but what happens? Eventually we see ourselves at the same point and we have not improved upon anything or achieved anything!
Balancing things in life like home, education, faith and responsibilities in the light of our beloved Prophet’s life is the best way. We know how he was balanced in his family life, his Faith, his dealings, social responsibilities and personal needs through the ahadith. Let us see how we can adopt few of those things and try achieving a moderate and balanced lifestyle.
1-Adopt a simple life:
The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said, “Simplicity is part of faith.” (Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood)
Too many engagements, possessions, worries and luxuries destroy both the achievement of faith and the happiness in this world.
So, a simple life has fewer distractions, lesser worries and is less tiring, Have a simple life, and have few hopes, aspirations, ambitions and wishes. Do not have long-term hopes and aspirations that make you feel burdened and tired even when you just think of them, let alone striving to achieve them. You do not even know for sure if you would be able to live till that time to see them fulfilled!
Many of us think too far about our future plans and start worrying about achieving them even when there is a lot of time ahead. Indeed it is good to plan ahead but worrying about what is not yet in our hands is certainly not fruitful. For example, a couple thinks about building their own house in the future, say in the next 10 years. They also think of buying a new car. They are very passionate about sending their children for higher education. They want to enjoy a long vacation. They are always worried about one or the other of these things. They can surely plan ahead by gaining some insight into the ways they can go about it. They can start saving money for the same. Once they have ample money in hand they can think of buying a plot so on and so forth.

It is not bad to have dreams and aspirations but too many of them just won’t help. Simple life can give you lots of time for useful things in your faith and daily affairs. Again, moderation is the key and today is the day for action.

2-Be content in what you have:
Give away from your possessions to those who are needy. Do not keep on adding more and more without spending on useful and constructive things.
Try to think if you really need more things and if that which you already have is sufficient for you.
The Messenger of Allah said, “Richness is not having many possessions but richness is being content with oneself.” (Jami’ at Tirmidhi)(Sahih)

3- Be Generous:
Spend whole heartedly on which it is good to spend, like on yourself, your family, relatives and the poor.
Charity only increases our wealth manifold.
The Messenger of Allah said, “ A believer is guileless and generous while the corrupt is a swindler and a miserly.” (Al Adab al Mufrad)

4-Utilize your time well:
 For example sometimes we unknowingly waste a lot of time on the internet and in the end we gain nothing in particular. We usually go online for a certain work but as we are online we click some other links which drift us away from our real purpose for which we initially went online. Another example can be of long conversations on the net or mobile phone. We can save a lot of time if we try to be to the point and precise in our conversations.
Our Messenger never wasted his time in useless conversations.
To follow the footsteps of our Prophet and to utilize your free time, try reading a small part of the Holy Quran daily with meanings and commentary.
Recite the daily supplications to make sure that you are under Allah’s mercy and protection which will make your daily tasks easy to achieve insha Allah.

We might have some pending works of the house, office or school. If we get them finished on time we can save a lot of energy. Little things can pile up to make up a mountain of unfinished tasks for us which is quite overwhelming for us to tackle. This leads to frustration as well.

5-Be consistent and regular in your tasks:
Just adopt a few and stick to them on a regular basis. This is consistency and regularity in life.
This way a simple and balanced life will be led enjoying both the faith and worldly happiness.
 The Prophet (SAWS) was asked, “What deeds are loved most by Allah?” He said, “The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few.” He added, “Don’t take upon yourselves except the deeds that are within your ability.” Narrated by Aishah (Sahih al Bukhari)
Life is complete when we are taking care of all our responsibilities as human beings. Taking care of all that needs a moderate approach. We have obligations toward our Creator and His creations. We have to handle housework, job, relationships and Faith. Balancing all these roles cannot be achieved unless we have a role model to follow. Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him) lived his life in the most simple, balanced and successful way in all aspects.
May Allah the Almighty help us live a simple, moderate. productive and balanced life by taking help from His Messenger’s life. Aameen.
Hadith Reference :

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